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We are looking for individuals and corporations that are interested in contributing to this great event which is for an important cause. MCS is extremely thankful to all of our event sponsors. The generous support of our individual and corporate sponsors has enabled MCS to provide quality, Christian education to our students throughout the tournament’s history. Sponsorship Opportunities range from $500 to $5,000. Learn more about these tax-deductible sponsorship opportunities and sign-up to be a sponsor below.
Online options for payment of your sponsorship fees are coming soon! You can also sign up to be a sponsor and be billed by the MCS Foundation. Billing will be sent out in early June.
Register to be a 2025 MCS Foundation Golf Tournament sponsor by clicking HERE.
This is the premier sponsorship and only two of these sponsorships are available. This level of sponsorship allows the sponsors name to be positioned above the Golf Tournament’s name on all correspondences, including newspaper articles, brochures, webpage, day-of-event agenda and registration information. In addition to advertising, the company will receive four (4) team spots in the event (16 players), as well as a commemorative plaque. This sponsor will also receive three (3) free entries into the shoot-out qualifier.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have advertising in all event promotional materials and their name and insignia will be highlighted at the banquet itself, with advertising at each table. This sponsor will receive two (2) complimentary foursome for the Golf Tournament and one (1) free entry into the shoot-out qualifier. Also, the sponsor can set up an informational slide show that will run during dinner and the award ceremony.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsors to have advertising in all event promotional materials and will have their name and insignia embroidered on the shirt sleeve of the collared golf shirt given to every participant in the tournament. This sponsor will receive two (2) complimentary foursomes for the Golf Tournament and one (1) free entry into the shoot-out qualifier.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have advertising in all event promotional materials and will have their name and insignia embroidered on the golf towel given to every participant in the tournament. This sponsor will receive one (1) complimentary foursome for the Golf Tournament.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have advertising in all event promotional materials and will have their name and insignia embroidered on the golf balls given to every participant in the tournament. This sponsor will receive one (1) complimentary foursome for the Golf Tournament.
INSURE YOURSELF TO GET A BIRDIE! One Par 3 green will have 3 separate holes marked with two similar flags and one different colored flag. If a team wants the opportunity to increase their chances of making a birdie by aiming at any of the three flags, then the team can pay $50. If they elect not to pay, then the team must play the single flag in the middle of the green. This sponsor will receive one (1) complimentary foursome for the Golf Tournament and free advertising at the hole.
This sponsor will host the Hole-in-One Challenge hole. The Hole-in-One Challenge will award a participant that makes a hole-in-one with a new car, which will be donated by the sponsor. This sponsor will receive one (1) complimentary foursome for the Golf Tournament, general advertising and specific advertising at the challenge hole.
This sponsor will fund the major portion of the welcome gifts for the Golf Tournament. This sponsor will receive one (1) complimentary foursome for the Golf Tournament, advertising at the registration table and at a tee location.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have advertising in all event promotional materials, as well as have their name placed on the carts as sponsoring the electronic scoring used for the event. This sponsor will receive one (1) complimentary foursome for the Golf Tournament, with advertising on the cart and at a tee.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have advertising as the Putting Contest sponsor and will be highlighted at the putting green while each team participates for a special prize. This company will receive two (2) complimentary foursomes for the Golf Tournament and one (1) free entry into the shoot-out qualifier. Their sign will be placed on the Putting Green for the contest.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have free advertising in all event promotional materials and will have their name and insignia placed on the golf umbrellas donated for the tournament. This sponsor will receive one (1) complimentary foursome for the Golf Tournament.
This sponsorship level allows the company to have free advertising in all event promotional materials and will have their name placed upon each of the golf carts used in the tournament. This company will receive one (1) complimentary foursome for the Golf Tournament and one (1) free entry into the shoot-out qualifier.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have free advertising in all event promotional materials and will have their name placed upon each of the first place prizes awarded in the tournament. This company will receive one (1) complimentary foursome for the Golf Tournament.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have free advertising in all event promotional materials and have their name placed upon each of the prizes awarded in the tournament (except for the first place prizes). This sponsor will receive one (1) complimentary foursome for the Golf Tournament.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have advertising in all event promotional materials and receive one (1) free entry into the shoot-out qualifier and one (1) complimentary foursome for the Golf Tournament.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have advertising in all event promotional materials and receive one (1) complimentary foursome for the Golf Tournament.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have advertising in all event promotional materials and their name on a tee sign. The company name will be posted prominently on the putting green.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have advertising in all event promotional materials and their name on a tee sign. The company name will be posted prominently on the driving range.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have advertising in all event promotional materials and their name on a tee marker. The company will provide a gift certificate or monetary donation equivalent of $500.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have advertising in all event promotional materials.
This sponsorship level allows the sponsor to have advertising in all event promotional materials and their name on a tee sign.
Register to be a 2025 MCS Foundation Golf Tournament sponsor by clicking HERE.
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