Drew King is a 2012 Alumni of MCS. He started attending MCS in the 2nd grade.  In high school, he played Basketball for 4 years, Soccer for 1 year and was a member of the National Honor Society for 2 years.

Drew enjoyed attending chapel services while at MCS, loved playing basketball and one of his greatest memories from his time at MCS was his class Senior Trip to Chicago.

After graduating from MCS, he pursued a degree in engineering from Miami University. Following graduation, he started his professional career with ENTrust Solutions, where he earned his Project Management Professional certification. He would go on to work as a Supply Chain and Engineering Manager at Portable Solutions Group and is currently working as a Project Manager with the United States Army Corps of Engineers.

In addition to his professional responsibilities, Drew serves as the Chair of the Northeastern Kentucky Partnership Board, which oversees and directs economic development efforts in the region.  He also operates a consulting business specializing in construction technology, providing guidance and solutions to clients in the industry.

Drew and his wife Kelsie are the proud parents of two wonderful children, Chloe and Brady.  They live in Ashland, Kentucky, where Kelsie serves as the Children’s Ministry Leader at their home church, Bridges Christian Church.

Drew and Kelsie have deep roots here at MCS, where Kelsie’s grandmother Harriet Strait, was a long-time MCS educator, and Drew’s mother, Jenny King, is currently a reading intervention specialist and has also been a long-time teacher at the school, as well.

Drew King is our 2025 Outstanding Young Alumni Award Winner.